Australian Plays Transform

APT – Program 2022 Announcement

APT Program 2022 Announcement ❤

Dear Playwrights, Colleagues, Educators, Supporters and Friends,   

We’re thrilled to announce Program 2022, and the wonderful partners we will be working with to deliver and support a whole range of new activity.

We appreciate it has been (and still is) a tumultuous and uncertain time across the sector, and across our everyday lives. In announcing this program, we at APT, hope it brings opportunity and connection for you.

There are a range of programs on offer, from old favourites, to new designs, and re-jigged approaches serving early, mid-career and established playwrights. The programs are built and partnered to support developing craft, connection and capacity. We know the pipeline to development, production and audience has been stalled for some time, so we hope that these programs go some way to lift the spirits, give focus, and support you in your task of working, in your practice and in your community.

We also appreciate that many of you have been in touch with us, eager to be considered for digital publication at APT. You will see that we have not announced our digital publication call-out. We will be making a further program announcement in the next couple of weeks. Do stay tuned for these further updates.

Whilst our focus for this update is Program 2022, we do have some other organisational news for you to explore. Please do scroll down to read.

As for Program 2022, have a good look, click through and see what programs might be of interest to you.

We look forward to welcoming your expressions-of-interest!

Visit our PROGRAM 2022 page for more detailed program information and submission links.
The program submission dates are as follows:
  • First Nations x APT: NOW OPEN — EOI Closes 7 Nov, 2021
  • Duologue: NOW OPEN — EOI Closes 31 Oct, 2021
  • La Boite x APT: NOW OPEN — EOI Closes 31 Oct, 2021
  • Pride Foundation Australia x APT: EOI Opens 15 Oct, 2021 – EOI Closes 28 Nov, 2021
  • Digital Playwriting In-Conversation: Live 28 Oct, 2021, 4pm AEDST
  • Performing Lines x APT: EOI Opens 31 Oct, 2021 – EOI Closes 12 Dec, 2021
  • National Theatre of Parramatta x APT: EOI Opens 1 Nov, 2021 – EOI Closes 30 Nov, 2021
  • Erin Thomas Playwriting Fund: EOI Opens 15 Nov, 2021 – EOI Closes 30 Jan, 2022
  • Max Afford Playwrights’ Award: EOI Opens 29 Nov, 2021 — EOI Closes 6 Feb, 2022

APT is very happy to announce the appointment of Hayley Johnson as Producer for the First Nations Retreat and Development Support. You can learn more about Hayley here

Please support a playwright.  

Consider buying a play.  | Consider purchasing a membership.  

And for you, dear playwrights 
Enjoy digging into Program 2022. We look forward to receiving your EOIs, engaging with your ideas, and having the opportunity to consider a vast range of stories, by the widest possible range of playwrights working across Australia.

I would like to personally update you on a key and difficult decision that I have made. I will be departing APT as EP/CEO at the end of October. I appreciate I have only been with APT for a short time, and have worked since May, in collaboration with staff, NAP and Board, to build Program 2022 and position APT in the best possible way for the future. We have worked closely, and with great focus, alongside partners, funders, colleagues and peers, to launch this new entity, Australian Plays Transform, as a key player in the new work sector in Australian playwriting. My departure is, I appreciate, unfortunately timed, but the purpose, strength and momentum of the organisation will carry forward. My decision is a personal one; a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in the screen sector has arisen for me, and it is important that I pursue it. I will take up the position of Head of Development at Screen Australia, commencing 15 November.

Recruitment for a new EP will be undertaken shortly; details will be available on the APT website.

It is with some sadness that I announce this, yet with a strong belief in the purpose of APT, the sector it works with and for, and the powerful contribution it will continue to make.  

Louise Gough
Executive Producer/CEO  

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We acknowledge that we live and create on unceded lands. We pay our respects to the First Peoples of Australia, and to their Elders past, present and future.
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We acknowledge that we live and create on unceded lands. We pay our respects to the First Peoples of Australia, and to their elders past, present and future.

© Australian Plays Transform 2024