Natesha is a writer for theatre and television. She graduated from Monash University with a Bachelor of Performing Arts in 2017 and was resident playwright at Melbourne Theatre Company 2017-2019.
Natesha wrote Episode 10 of THE UNLISTED for Aquarius Films/Netflix. She worked as writer for Season 2 of GET KRACK!N for the ABC and in writers’ rooms for THE UNLISTED with Aquarius Films; SIXTEEN with Madman Pictures; THE INTERPRETER for SBS; GRAND DISASTERS with Subtext Pictures; and PARENT UP with Buster Productions.
Natesha’s plays have been performed at Melbourne Theatre Company’s Cybec Electric seasons in 2017 and 2018; Playwriting Australia’s National Play Festival; Melbourne Fringe Festival; and the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. She has had work developed by Playwriting Australia. Natesha’s plays include: ENTOMOLOGY; HUMAN RESOURCES; and JEREMY AND LUCAS BUY A FUCKING HOUSE.
JEREMY AND LUCAS BUY A FUCKING HOUSE was nominated for Best Writing at the 2019 Green Room Awards. After a sell-out premiere season at La Mama Theatre, JEREMY AND LUCAS BUY A FUCKING HOUSE (which she also performed in and co-directed) returned to La Mama in 2018 for another sell-out season as part of the Melbourne International Comedy Festival.
Her latest play BURNING MAN was commissioned by Melbourne Theatre Company.