Donna Hughes is an award-winning playwright based on Whadjuk Noongar land (Fremantle). She is motivated to create work that is textured, fast-paced and playful. Her plays include Disconnected, which was selected for development by Playwriting Australia and published by Australian Plays Transform (2019). Treading Water was longlisted for the Monte Miller Award (2020). Her short play, Ground Swell, was the recipient of the People’s Choice Award and published by Edge Performance Writers Collective (2020). It Was Tuesday, was shortlisted for the Short and Sweet Festival Perth, Queensland, Sydney and Dubai (2021). Isolation in Lockdown, was selected by Voices of Women for a short film project entitled, Entanglement (2021). Her play, Trackers, received an Australian Writer’s Guild (AWGIE) Award (2021) and is published by Australian Plays Transform.
DISCONNECTED by Donna Hughes |
TRACKERS (2ND EDITION) by Donna Hughes |