Anna Yen is a theatre maker, performer, writer and teacher.
Anna was a Finalist in the Queensland Premiere’s Drama Award 2018 with her new physical theatre work, Slow Boat. Yen was a writer / performer in The Serpent’s Table 2014 Sydney Festival (Griffin Theatre / Contemporary Asian Australian Performance). She received a Matilda Award for Chinese Take Away Stage X (QPAC / Gum Yi Productions) and toured its film adaptation (SBS commissioned) with performance excerpts, to Asia, Europe and USA.
Other performance credits include: the award-winning Monsteria GUSH; It All Begins With Love Creative Regions; Electric Dragon Georgie Pinn, FedSq 2015; A Creation Myth tunCLOUD; Waterwheel Installation Igneous; Wicked Bodies La Boite/Zen Zen Zo, Fortune La Boite, After China QUT; Load-ed Stories QTC-Ed; and four years with Rock’n’Roll Circus (now CIRCA) ensemble.
Yen has directed/collaboratively devised over 20 new-works including: Phoenix Rising Woodford; Other-wise II Under the Radar - Brisbane Festival; Taboo and Stop Violence Against Women QUT / Amnesty International / VenaCava; Manga Metropolis Hereford Sisters - Backbone Youth Arts, Brisbane Festival; Aviatrix and Blissed Out … Vulcana Circus; It’s Just not Cricket UQ Drama; and was Assistant Director on AWGIE Award-winning Kese Solwata Out of the Box. Other awards include a Creative Partnerships Art and Health Award QLD with The Lamingtons for Griffith University / Wesley Mission Brisbane Playful Engagement project, Matilda Award for Best Costume and Bank SA Adelaide Fringe Best Circus /Physical Theatre Weekly Award for GUSH’s Monsteria, and a Churchill Fellowship. Anna has trained with Monika Pagneux, Philippe Gaulier, Nanjing Acrobatic Troupe, Shanghai Circus School, Dell’Arte International School of Physical Theatre. She was a co-founder / performer of the Tasmanian Women’s Circus and Horizon Circus in Hobart in the ‘80s, and a co-ordinator of the Tasmanian Youth Circus.
Anna Yen teaches theatre making, physical theatre, circus and Feldenkrais Method in communities, universities, companies, festivals and schools. http://www.playmoves.org