Vivienne Walshe graduated from the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) in 1997 and has appeared as an actress across the country. Her first play, Necklines, was broadcast on Radio National and workshopped for Playbox’s Theatre 'In the Raw' script development program. A participating writer in the 2004/5 STC/Blueprints Writers' Assembly, she is the recipient of the Sydney short play fringe festival competition, the Malcolm Robertson Prize and the inaugural Max Afford Award. Her most recent play was written for the Hardlines program at the Melbourne Theatre. Vivienne has written a television series for the ABC Drama Department and has had other television serials optioned and developed by Colombia Tristar, RDF Media London, and Allotria Productions.
Her play Nowheresville was workshopped at the 2006 Australian National Playwrights Conference.
THIS IS WHERE WE LIVE by Vivienne Walshe |
GOD'S LAST ACRE by Vivienne Walshe |