Australian Plays Transform

Erin Thomas update – Sofia Abbey

The Erin Thomas Regional Playwrights Fund supports three regional, emerging playwrights each year, connecting them with a mentor

One of 2024’s participants is Sofia Abbey, who recently used the fund’s support to travel to Cairns for intensive dramaturgy sessions with her mentor and other creatives. Read her full update below!

Sofia Abbey’s update

Through the Erin Thomas Playwright Fund, I was able to fly to Cairns for a week and work alongside the incredible Kathryn Ash [my mentor] to work on my new play Boys at the Back of the Bus.

During this week, I was asked to sit in on a dramaturgical session with playwright Rebecca Altaffer. During these sessions, I watched as Rebecca and Kathryn along with director Karen Jackson, worked through each scene of Rebecca’s new work. They broke each scene down into plot, psychology and premise and how these three things drive the scene.

Between sessions, Kathryn and I worked on my own play Boys at the Back of the Bus. Boys at the Back of the Bus is a large ensemble piece. Kathryn pushed me to look at how each character serves the story, what their individual arcs are and who the hero actually is. The end result is a much stronger, sturdier and sharper piece that examines power dynamics and how our need to be funny can impact our ability to be empathetic.

The Erin Thomas Regional Playwrights Fund is possible through the support of Leah Thomas, family & friends.

We acknowledge that we live and create on unceded lands. We pay our respects to the First Peoples of Australia, and to their elders past, present and future.

© Australian Plays Transform 2024