$5.40 – $15.00
Stranded in his Sydney flat, the half-Aboriginal journalist John Rinner tries to explain his Dad-dud existence to his daughter by telephone. This is not easy since he hasn’t seen her in 18 years and she is working far away in an Amsterdam hotel with no time to listen.
Just as his working life in the field with the UN Childrens Fund now seems only smoke-and-mirrors of failure, so does his own life seem as it flashes past him in delusion and illusion top-to-bottom. This latter is just as especially so when he emotionally involved himself with ‘his’ North Queensland aboriginal roots... almost as much as the trauma of world’s abuse of its children has scarred him. But, more and more, the crossed lines of telephone torment continue, escalating in him into looking down into a sump rather than getting any sort of expiation from his daughter ethereally.
At least he has the mirror on the wall... as in: ‘Have you heard the one about the guy coming up to a mirror on the wall and he says, “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who....?’
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