
The Kelly Gang

Ned Kelly: The legend, the myth, the hero, the outlaw, the enduring cultural icon.

The life and death of one of Australia's most notorious figures has captured the imagination of a nation for the last 130 years. Since the 1870s the stories of Ned Kelly have echoed throughout Australian history: the Stringybark Massacre, the Eurora bank robbery, the murder of police informer Aaron Sherrit and of course the siege of Glenrowan. In Arnold Denham and Another's The Kelly Gang nothing has been overlooked, as the entire story of Australia's most famous criminals comes to life.

Just like the Kelly myth itself, The Kelly Gang is brimming with humour and hyperbole. With a comprehensive and well-researched intoduction by Richard Fotheringham, this is a text that is sure to please all fans of Australian history and theatre alike.

Arnold Denham and Another's The Kelly Gang is, to this day, one of the best known and most performed productions of the Kelly Gang legend and goes to prove that men may pass on and memories may fade, but legends will never die.

  • drama
  • 100
  • 31 total
  • 4 female identifying, 27 male identifying
  • history
  • 18+
  • all ages
  • Playlab


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SKU: PL-115 Category:

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