End of Year Enews – Thanks for an amazing 2024!
A Year to Celebrate – Thank You for 2024! img{-ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic;} table, td{mso-table-lspace:0pt; mso-table-rspace:0pt;}
First Nations Playwrights Retreat – Behind the Scenes
Our Australian First Nations Playwrights Retreat 2024 is over! Six playwrights - Alexis West, Nicola Ingram, Jada Alberts, John Harding, Jenny Fraser, and Bjorn Stewart - and two dramaturgs - Glenn Shea and Shari Indriani Irwin - recently spent ten
New Monologue Collection + Narragunnawali Collaboration | APT Term 4 Education E-news
Announcing our monologue collection + Narragunnawali collaboration | APT Term 4 Education E-news img{-ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic;} table, td{mso-table-lspace:0pt; mso-table-rspace:0pt;}
Developing the Dramaturg – Meet the Mentors
APT is very excited to announce these experienced industry professionals as mentors to our 2024 DTDSA cohort: Alexis West - Kamarra Bell-Wykes, Elena Carapetis, Chris Drummond, Jennifer Medway, Dom Mercer, and Jules Orcullo. These mentors help guide our five emerging
New Enews – All the APT Updates for September!
First Nations Playwrights Retreat 📢 | Story Lab Highlights ✍️ | Meet the Team! 👋 img{-ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic;} table, td{mso-table-lspace:0pt; mso-table-rspace:0pt;}
Erin Thomas update – Sofia Abbey
The Erin Thomas Regional Playwrights Fund supports three regional, emerging playwrights each year, connecting them with a mentor One of 2024's participants is Sofia Abbey, who recently used the fund's support to travel to Cairns for intensive dramaturgy sessions with
2024 First Nations Playwrights Retreat & Development – Participants Announced!
The Australian Plays Transform team, along with our partner companies Ilbijerri Theatre Company, Moogahlin Performing Arts, and Yirra Yaakin Theatre Company, are so excited to bring you this year's playwright participants in the First Nations Playwrights Retreat, one of our
2024 Developing the Dramaturg SA – Participants Announced!
APT is so thrilled to announce the participants of South Australia's Developing the Dramaturg program. After an incredible inaugural year in NSW, we're stoked to be partnering with leading theatre companies of South Australia to take this skills development and
2024 APT Writers Groups – Participants Announced!
APT is so excited to announce the participants in our pilot program APT Writers Groups: Write Together, Rise Together. There are 20 playwrights in the three cohorts - Playwrights with Disability, Mid-Career Playwrights, and Emerging Playwrights - which are led by