


Kate Kelly (sister of Ned) is being treated for opium addiction in a sanitorium. Through the haze of trauma, memory and—perhaps—drugs, she recalls her dead brothers, Glenrown, the trial, Ned's execution, her girlhood and tries to imagine a future with her husband and children.

A lyrical, poetic and prismatic portrait of one of Australia's great women.

  • lyrical drama
  • 60
  • 4 total
  • 4 female identifying
  • history
  • 16 to 18, 18+
  • young adult, adult
  • Australian Script Centre


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Kate Kelly

Female | Unspecified | under 3 minutes
Starts on page 36

EXTRACT: I was there./ Steve Hart and my brother Daniel were burnt to blackened lumps, unrecognisable as men. I saw them dragged from the fire, their skin still bubbling. The hot stink made people back away, eyes and noses running, retching, pitching into one another in their rush to escape the stench./ I was there.

Adult themes

Mrs Shaw

Female | Unspecified | under 3 minutes
Starts on page 39

EXTRACT: And I remember putting them on the fire. I remember them burning. The last coal he'd mined burning in our grate and him not there to share its warmth. I remember that night as the night I burnt my childhood, the night I burnt the home I'd known until then. The night my mother's loneliness began, the night I understood that I too would die.

Kate Kelly

Female | Unspecified | 3 to 5 minutes
Starts on page 18

EXTRACT: On a bright morning in November/ through the garden by the infirmary/ he was taken to the death cell/ flowers were blooming/ On the street/ the other side of the wall/ people heard his chains dragging on the flagstone path/ Inside the building/ where they would kill him/ there was matting spread/ on the stone floor/ At ten o'clock/ priest prisoner and hangman/moved quietly towards the drop/ Die like a Kelly/ my mother had told him/

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