New South Wales Curriculum Connections

The NSW HSC Syllabus states:

Critically studying in drama and theatre involves a reflective and analytical response to individual performances, to bodies of work by individual artists, performance groups and theorists, and to historical and cultural movements and performance traditions. Students learn about the cultural, social and historical contexts of drama and theatre; the ideas, concepts, themes and texts on which drama and theatre are based; and the styles and forms that are developed to express or embody them (NSW Board of Studies, 2009, p. 14)

In Australian Drama and Theatre and Studies in Drama and Theatre students learn through theoretical study about the themes and issues, the historical, social, cultural and political contexts of particular forms, styles, movements or traditions of theatre, or the work of a specific artist, practitioner, group or company. They learn about dramatic and theatrical structures, forms, styles and conventions and gain practical experience of them through workshops culminating in presentations and performances using relevant acting techniques, characterisation, performance styles and spaces (NSW Board of Studies, 2008, p. 22)

The following scripts form part of the core study for the HSC Course.

Additional texts for Year 11 Syllabus can be found in the Australian Curriculum Cross Curriculum Priorities and Recommendations for Secondary Schools.

Dramatic Traditions in Australia

Contemporary Australian Theatre Practice

Verbatim Theatre

Individual Projects

The Voice of Women in Theatre

We acknowledge that we live and create on unceded lands. We pay our respects to the First Peoples of Australia, and to their elders past, present and future.

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