QLD Senior Drama Curriculum
The Queensland Senior Drama Syllabus is organised under an inquiry learning process. Some of the questions posed within the Syllabus document are:
- How does drama promote shared understandings of the human experience?
- How is drama shaped to reflect lived experience?
- How can we use drama to challenge our understanding of humanity? (QCAA, 2020, p. 16)
Further, the Syllabus comments on the role of ‘texts’ as follows:
Throughout a course of study in Drama, teaching and learning provides students with opportunities to use and create different types of texts. Texts in Drama are developed to achieve different purposes, are drawn from a variety of contexts, and embody the dramatic languages (QCAA, p. 18)
Drawing on these questions and comments, the following scripts are offered for study.
NOTE: See Australian Curriculum Cross Curriculum Priority recommendations and Recommended for Secondary Schools for additional script ideas